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Safety and Precautions

September 2022 Update

I am fully vaccinated/boosted against Covid, as well as flu and whooping cough to keep my littlest clients as safe as possible.

All adults in my home have received Covid-19 boosters + flu shots and both of my children are fully vaccinated against Covid + flu. I am continuing to work with only vaccinated and masked hair and makeup artists and wear in N95 or KN95 with clients indoors, while photographing outdoor sessions masked or unmasked (client’s choice).

While I know this may seem extreme nearing the end of 2022, Keeping anyone from getting ill, not having to cancel or reschedule sessions, and not having to close my business for any amount of time is my top priority moving forward.

Fall 2021 Update

All adults + our 12 year old son are fully vaccinated against Covid-19, hair and makeup is fully vaccinated and masked, and I continue to wear an N95+mask on top for sessions. Our 12 and 7 year old are currently being homeschool for the 2021-2022 school year in an effort to limit our exposure and keep my clients as safe as possible.

Update March 2021

In order to do all I can do keep your babies & families safe, and myself & family safe, the adults in my household are now fully vaccinated against Covid-19.

All safety precautions are still in place below, as well continuing to mask while with clients while inside the studio.

Update Fall 2020

May 2020

reserve your portraits

motherhood meets simple luxury

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